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Does Sleeping More Improve the Look of Dark Circles?

Mar 11, 2024 By Nancy Miller

Are you tired of how your overall appearance has started looking dull and tired because of the excessive dark circles you have developed? Then we are sure you ended up on this page to seek answers as to why you may have created them and whether or not adding a little more sleep to your schedule might help improve the protruding dark circles. If we agree with this assumption, you can hop on below to find your answers.

Reasons Why You May Develop Dark Circles

One of the most common reasons people associate dark circles with is the lack of sleep. Whenever an individual fails to get sufficient sleep or their work-sleep dynamics aren't aligning well, it is the time when the dark circles become the most prominent. However, do you know this is not the only reason you may develop dark circles? Yes! There are a variety of other reasons, and we have a few common ones listed below for you:

Iron Deficiency

One neglected reason for having dark circles, which is pretty common, too, is the lack of iron in the body. Iron is one aspect that carries oxygen throughout the cells in the body. If your body lacks these cells, it automatically means that proper oxygen would not be distributed, which can become a reason for your dark circles to develop.

Consumption of Salt

Consumption of excessive salt in your diet can also be a reason why you may develop dark circles. Excessive salt consumption leads to water retention, making your undereye bags and dark circles protrude. Hence, if you munch on a lot of salted chips and salty dry fruits, we suggest you keep it in moderation.

Excessive Exposure to the Sun

We all have heard that stepping out in the sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D. However, do you know that this, at the same time, is also a significant reason for you developing dark circles? This is because sunlight increases melanin production in the body, making your skin dark including your dark circles. Hence, it is essential to use sunscreen when stepping out in the sun.

Makeup Products

There can be times when eye-area makeup like eyeliner, mascara, or concealer, which you use, might cause you dark circles. This is because these makeup products can sometimes cause an allergic reaction from using them. Moreover, scratching and rubbing while removing or putting on makeup can also cause dark circles to develop.

Can Sleeping More Help Improve Your Dark Circles?

The most common reason you develop dark circles is a lack of sleep. This brings us to the question of whether or not sleeping more can help improve dark circles.

Well, the answer is yes, it can. According to the Mayo Clinic, the lack of sleep makes the skin tone of an individual look pale, which then, in turn, makes darkness under the eyes more noticeable. Hence, if you incorporate a little more sleep in your everyday life, you may improve your dark circles.

However, you should notch up your sleep schedule and let it stay in the normal resting zone. If you go higher than that, it will again lead to you developing dark circles. Why so? Well, too much of anything is wrong, and oversleeping is one reason you may create dark circles, too.

What Are Some Other Ways Through Which You Can Improve Dark Circles?

While sleeping a bit more can help improve your dark circles, a few other excellent home remedies can work towards providing a beneficial outcome, too. A few ways through which you can enhance dark circles are:

Cold Tea Bags

Keeping Cold tea bags over your dark circles can help improve them. How so? Well, it is believed that the residual caffeine left in the tea bags can help constrict the blood vessels, which automatically reduces the blood flow to the area. This, in turn, helps provide some sort of relief to the dark circles.

Grated Cucumber or Potatoes

We have all seen advertisements where people have sliced or grated cucumbers over their eyebags. Have you ever stopped to think what the reason behind this is? The vitamin antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nature of these cooling vegetables help ton down the inflammation and puffiness around the eyes, which also helps reduce dark circles.

Elevating the Head

Your head placement while you sleep also impacts the surrounding areas of your eyes. Hence, the most recommended approach to avoid dark circles from forming is to place a few pillows under your head to raise it slightly. Raising your head would prevent the fluid from pooling under your eyes, giving them a less puffy and swollen appearance.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plays wonders for the skin and works as an effective moisturizer. A well-moisturized skin is less likely to sag and will stay healthy for a long. Moreover, it will also provide better nourishment, which would reduce premature aging and dark circles.

Rose Water

Rose water is an age-old secret to our grandmother's beauty; it is about time you use it for your benefit, too. Rosewater is highly refreshing and can be used on all skin types, rejuvenate your skin, and solve all its issues. It would work wonders for your dark circles and puffy eye bags.

Wrapping Up!

Dark circles can be problematic because they can easily ruin your overall appearance and dull you. If you are tired of your dark circles and want to know whether improving your sleep might help ton them down, we hope this article and all the ways we mentioned in it to get rid of your dark circles are helpful.

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