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Reasons Why You Have Developed Enlarged-Looking Pores

Mar 11, 2024 By Madison Evans

If there is one aspect no one likes and many try getting rid of, it is enlarged pores. If you are someone who has enlarged pores, then let us tell you that this aspect is pretty common and is found on the skin of many people.

However, while common, one major drawback that enlarged pores bring with them is how they make your skin look dull, unhealthy, and older than it is. In many cases, it can also trigger acne. The question is, though, why do some people get enlarged pores? If this is the same question youre seeking an answer to, we have a few primary reasons for enlarged pores below!

Reasons Why Your Pores Look Huge

There is not one, but several different reasons that you can narrow down as a possibility of you or someone else having enlarged pores. If you are someone who was looking into a few of the common reasons for enlarged pores or why your pores have started looking huge overtime, then we have some listed for you below:


Genes play a crucial role in determining your overall outlook, and who said that the size of your pores would not be dependent on this? Your genetics play a significant role in your pore size, and if your parents have had enlarged pores, chances are youd too. Hence, like all other features you got naturally due to genetic outcomes, why not accept your enlarged pores and flaunt them flawlessly?

Increased Sebum Production or Clogged Pores

Another cause of enlarged pores can be if you have excessive sebum production. This is especially the case for those with extremely oily skin. Your pores contain the sebaceous (oil) gland, which secretes the sebum.

Hence, when these glands secrete these oils, your skin becomes oily, too. For those who have moderate sebum production, this oil can work as a natural moisturizer; for those with excessive production, it can cause enlarged pores.

Loss of Skin Elasticity with Age

The enlarged pores can also arise because of your aging skin. Aging is an inevitable part of life, and as you grow older, your skin starts losing its natural elasticity. This can cause your pores to look bigger compared to how they were before. Aging can also make your skin look much more stretched and saggy.

Sun Damage

Increased exposure to the sun or living in a humid climate can also become a major cause for your skin to experience enlarged pores. This is because exposure to the sun can disrupt the collagen production on your skin, eventually leading to wrinkles and enlarged pores.

Large Hair Follicles

Your skin has tiny hair on it, and every hair has follicles. Each hair follicle is then positioned under a pore, which is its opening. Hence, if you have a large hair follicle, chances are your pores would also be enlarged.

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Enlarged Pores

Now that you understand why you have enlarged pores, we are sure the next aspect you would want to learn about is how to reduce the enlarged pores, right? Well, while you cannot change the size of your pores, you can still minimize the appearance of it. Wondering how? Just follow these five effective methods we have mentioned below:

Choose Water-based Products

Many moisturizing and other skin products contain active ingredients like oils. Hence, it is always essential to look into this aspect when choosing any facial or skin product and only choose oil-free or water-based products. Oil-based products contain coconut oil, petrolatum, or other types of oil, which, while great for moisturizing dry skin, are not suitable for those with oily skin or enlarged pores.

Wash your Face Everyday

While it may seem obvious, washing your face twice every day and more if you sweat a lot or work out with lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser can make a big difference. Through this tactic, you can wash away any oil and dirt from your pores, which can help make your pores a little less visible. Moreover, it is also essential to remove your makeup before you head over to bed. Sleeping with your makeup on can be a significant reason for your pores to clog up due to the build-up of makeup, oil, and bacteria.

Exfoliate your Skin

Anyone with oily skin should always consider exfoliating their skin once or twice a week. Exfoliation can help remove dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oil, which can ultimately help you unclog your pores.

However, it is recommended not to exfoliate more than twice a week as it can dry out the skin. This is something you should avoid because extremely dried-out skin can also cause your pores to become enlarged.

Apply a Clay Mask

Using a clay mask once or twice a week can also help remove any additional oil from your pores, as clay is an excellent sebum absorbent. Hence, when you remove that oil with the help of the clay mask, it will make your pores appear less enlarged or visible.

Wear Sunscreen

As mentioned above, sun exposure can become a significant reason for your pores enlarging and other skin conditions like sagging, stretching, or aging. Hence, always wearing sunscreen when stepping out in the sun is essential.

Wrapping Up!

Enlarged pores, while they are a natural phenomenon on the skin, are still an aspect many people like to get rid of. However, while you cannot eliminate this facial aspect, we hope this article helped you understand why your pores might enlarge and how you can minimize them.

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