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How to Get Rid of Jock Itch: 9 Simple Remedies You Must Try

Mar 04, 2024 By Nancy Miller

Jock itch is a fungal infection that affects the groin area (the point where the abdomen meets the upper thighs) of the human body. Sounds irritating, doesn’t it?

Commonly, it is characterized by an itchy red rash followed by a peeling, cracking, and burning sensation. And if you have noticed such rash and itching in wet and warm parts of your body, it might be jock itch.

All in all, these situations cause more sweat and heat production, which can increase the infection and cause more irritation.

But now, you don’t need to worry, as we are here with top-notch natural home remedies to get rid of this infection and the discomfort it causes.

In this guide, we’ll discover how to get rid of jock itch: 9 natural remedies. So, let’s dig in!

9 Magical Remedies To Cure Jock Itch Instantly

You can try several home remedies to get instant relief from the rash itching. Although these remedies are usually helpful, you must consult a doctor for proper medication if your symptoms persist.

Wondering how to get rid of jock itch permanently? Follow these easy-peasy and effective tips to get relief from rashes permanently:


As we have heard, honey is a cure for many problems and an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial product. This can help you to get relief from the burning sensation.

Simply put, you just need to apply a thin layer of honey on the infected part, leave it for at least an hour, and then wash it.

After the first application, you will feel much better. Use it for 10 days to get rid of this rash permanently.

Neem Leaves

Whenever we talk about any skin infection or disease, the first suggestion we get is “use neem leaves.” This is because of the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial nature of its leaves.

That’s why neem leaves can be used to treat jock itch, and they are as effective as any soothing cream. What you need to do is just boil some leaves in water for 5 min.

Apply the extracted liquid to the affected area, and you will instantly feel relief from burning or itching.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is considered a skin care product because of its several properties. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-ageing.

These properties make it best for the treatment of reck itch. Just apply a thin layer of aloe vera on the infected part of your body and leave it overnight.

This will relieve itching and burning. Its regular use will help you get rid of the risk of any fungal infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is beneficial in treating fungus, as it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. But you need to follow some precautions while using it on your skin.

As it is acidic, it must be mixed with water before use. Overall, the best ratio is 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar.

To make it more soothing, place it in the fridge. This will give you a more relaxed feel and reduce pain.


If you are wondering what kills jock itch instantly, then here is the best remedy to provide the answer. Garlic is also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and its use on the rash will relieve itching and irritation.

Just mash a garlic clove and add a few drops of olive oil. Apply it on the area with rash and burning. Cover it with a soft cloth and leave it for some time.

If it irritates you, remove it instantly; otherwise, it will help you heal early.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an excellent product for treating jock itch—dilute tea tree oil before use.

Apply it on the affected body part. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it with luke water.

If you feel wet and you realize that you may develop a jock itch, just apply this remedy 2-3 times on the same day to reduce the rash and prevent further infection.


Calendula is also used as a home remedy to treat jock itch. It is extracted from marigold or calendula flowers, which are beneficial for treating skin infections. Apply it to your skin 2-3 times a day and get rid of jock itch.

As with all other ingredients we have mentioned to treat jock itch, it also possesses antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps relieve and soothe the groin area where you have a rash.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil helps to get rid of jock itch permanently at home. It has anti-fungal properties, which make it best to soothe the rash developed from jock itch. Any remedy will help you prevent the infection if you use them regularly.

Apply lavender oil mixed with coconut oil with a clean cotton ball. Apply the same mixture 2 times a day to get instant results. Don’t forget to use a new cotton ball every time.


Cornstarch, extracted from corn kernels, is the primary ingredient in baby powders. This is because of the soothing effect it possesses. Applied on the groin area, it will give you a gentle, dry effect and relieve the burning sensation.

This can be used after any of these remedies once the infected area is dry and can also be an excellent preventive approach.


The severity of the infection decides whether home remedies work for you or if you need proper medication. We have explained how to get rid of jock itch: 9 natural remedies, but you need to be very careful while using them.

Use the remedies 2-3 times a day to see proper results. If you feel more irritation while applying them, rinse them off quickly. Otherwise, these are beneficial and help you instantly if you can’t go to the doctor immediately.

We hope these remedies will help you get rid of jock itch permanently at home. You must try these methods and figure out which suits your condition best.

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