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Vetiver Oil Benefits: How It Improves Various Health Issues

Mar 06, 2024 By Nancy Miller

It is extracted from the roots of Indian green grass called Vetiver. Its earthy and strong aroma has made its name among the essential oils. It is mostly used in aromatherapy or ayurvedic treatment because of its soothing properties.

Other Vetiver oil benefits can help reduce various health conditions discussed in this article. People have been using this plant for centuries, but what health benefits can it provide? Keep reading to know how you can improve your health with this oil.


There are many essential chemical compounds in this oil that help to encourage the feeling of calmness. It has a fresh, warm, cool, woody, and earthy scent that makes it ideal for improving different health conditions. So, the following are the Vetiver oil benefits that you must know;

Reduce Anxiety

Because of its calming properties, it helps relax the nerves of people having anxiety. Various studies have been done to check the neurological effects of using it. Researchers have done experiments on rats by performing aromatherapy with Vetiver oil. The rats were calmer after exposure, proving to have anti-anxiety effects.

Sometimes, people with anxiety experience irregular breathing patterns while sleeping. It increases the chances of having insomnia and, ultimately, irregular sleep patterns. Vetiver oil has a proven record of relaxing persons and breathing normally while sleeping. These are the healing compounds of the oil that play a big role in improving anxiety.

Reduce ADHD Symptoms

As per the researchers, Vetiver oil benefits can help improve mental fatigue, concentration, and focus. These are the symptoms of ADHD conditions for which this oil serves as a natural remedy. Thus, people with ADHD can use this oil to improve their focus and some sensory functions.

The studies have shown the positive effects that can help the persons to focus and learn. The oil relaxes the mind and increases the alertness and memory processes. Most of the time, it is considered a safe option to use for your children. But it is recommended to talk to your doctor if they have any other health issues.

Improve Skin And Hair Health

The Vetiver oil benefits for skin include the antiseptic or anti-inflammatory effects for various skin conditions. These include the burn wounds, pimples, scars, or any microbial infection. On its exposure, the skin will start to regenerate cells and hence improve the scar issues. Studies have shown that it reduces bacterial infections effectively.

However, Vetiver oil benefits for hair provides the nourishing properties for having healthy hair. It is an additional hair care remedy to soothe the scalp, minimize dandruff, and strengthen the hair follicles. Thus, you can have healthier hair when using it with hair care products.


As per studies performed by researchers, Vetiver oil benefits include the antioxidant properties to eradicate toxins from the body. These toxins are a source of promoting aging signs that can be reduced by using this oil. Some cells go through oxidative damage because of freely moving oxygen molecules in the body.

Upon consuming Vetiver oil, its regenerative properties enable the cells to grow effectively and slow the oxidative damage within the tissues of the body. Thus, it helps to have healthy and glowing skin with fewer aging signs. Also, you can prefer skin creams having Vetiver oil as a main ingredient for glowing and healthy skin.

Improve Brain Functioning

There are Vetiver oil benefits for the brain that provide soothing properties to calm the nerves. Relaxing nerves is a sign of having improved brain functioning. If someone is having any brain issues like anxiety, depression, or less ability to focus, this oil can improve the condition.

Studies have shown that inhaling Vetiver oil improves brain functioning by focusing on the concentration feature of the brain. The soothing and calming properties make you more awake and thus promote brain health.

Repel Insects

Besides the Vetiver oil benefits for health, it also acts as a natural insect repellent. The fresh, warm, and cool aroma of this oil keeps the pests and mosquitos away from that specific area. It makes the oil a versatile option to use for various purposes.

Various studies have been done that show its effect on different insects and pests. You can repel them by using the oil with a carrier oil and applying it to your skin. It will help you to keep yourself safe from mosquito or tick bites.

How To Use Vetiver Oil

There are various ways of using Vetiver oil to improve health conditions, including skin, brain, anxiety, etc. Aromatherapy serves as a natural remedy to reduce stress conditions. You can use it by blending it with other essential oils.

Add three drops of Vetiver oil and one drop of any desired essential oil to use for massage therapy. To use it as an inhaling remedy, you can diffuse the five drops of oil for about 30 minutes. You can improve brain functioning by mixing three drops of this oil and two drops of any other effective essential oil.

Various skin issues can be reduced by topically using Vetiver oil. Use by diluting 2-3 drops of Vetiver oil and ten drops of any carrier oil. However, you can purchase it at any online store at an affordable vetiver oil price.

Vetiver Oil Side Effects

Vetiver oil is mostly safe to use because it is less likely to be toxic unless you are allergic to this plant. But, it is recommended not to use this oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Besides, if you are applying topically, it is completely safe, but you can still perform patch tests. If your body doesn't show any irritation or side effects, you can easily use it on your skin. It would help if you are cautious when using it for children and always ask your doctor before applying.

In most cases, it is not recommended for children because they are sensitive and have a weak immune system. Moreover, if you use Vetiver oil with any medication, there is a possibility of having side effects. So, you are advised to reach out to your doctor before using it for any purpose.


Because of the Vetiver oil benefits, you can help reduce your stress and have healthy skin. The main benefit of this oil is that it provides soothing and calming properties after aromatherapy to be more focused. However, you can get it by purchasing its organic version from any online store at an affordable price.

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